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Notes on reception reservation application:

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2020-02-11
  • View count:2913

1. Reception objective: inmate’s spouse, direct-blood relatives.

2. Application procedure
  (1) Site applied
        Applicant carries personal ID document and comes to the Prison’s Administration Building; filling out the “Reception Reservation Application Form” at the service counter located at the ground floor; after being confirmed and approved by the Reception Room, the reservation procedure is thus complete.

    (2) Make reception reservation by fax:

         Applicant should fill out the “Reception Reservation Application Form” and fax it to the Prison (082-335607); then, inquire and confirm the reservation at reception time of next day.

    (3) Make reception reservation by web:

         Link to the Prison’s website (http://www.kmp.moj.gov.tw/) and make reception reservation application at the “Reception Reservation” subsystem.

3.Available reservation time: make reception reservation at the reception time (08:30~11:00, 13:30~16:00), one to seven days prior to the reception.

4. Reservation validity: applicant still should follow the related regulations to make reservation registration; once a reception reservation application procedure is made, no another reception application is allowable during the specified reception period.

5.Reception time for reservation:

   Mon to Fir

   A.M. 8:30, 9:30, 10:30

   P.M. 13:30, 14:30, 15:30

Reception amount open to reservation:    Two inmates at each reception time.

7.Inmate’s relative should on schedule report to the service counter for reception reserved and fill out the articles delivery sheet at the counter. In case applicant fails to report to the counter at the reserved time, the Prison would treat it as the applicant has given up the reception and stop the targeted inmate’s reception reservation right for a month since it.

  (1) Inmate under regulation-broken observation cannot apply for this reception reservation service.
  (2) If reception isn’t made after reservation, no second reservation registration allowed.
  (3) To cancel a reception reservation, applicant should call 082)-332283 ext 115 or (082)-331653 to call off the reservation on the work day no later than one day prior to the reception day.
  (4) The reception reservation service doesn’t apply to holidays and Lunar New Year Vocation.
  (5) While registering for a reservation, applicant should register his/her real identity; once the deceived identity is discovered, this reservation service would be called off to the applicant in response.
  (6) To apply for reception reservation by web or fax, applicant should have applied for reception at this Prison already before.
  (7) For applicant making reception reservation by web, the Prison will send a mail to the applicant’s email address responding the respective reservation status.
  (8) When the reception shift under selection is occupied, the Prison will arrange the reception at another shift of the same day registered for reception and inform applicant by email.

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