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- Last updated:2022-06-22
- View count:3972
Organization of the Kinmen Prison, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice (under-one-roof operating entities included)
This prison (including the under-one-roof operating entities: Kinmen Detention Center, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice, Lianjiang Detention Center, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice, and Kinmen Juvenile Probation House, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice) is subordinated to the Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice, which has the Warden, Secretary, Superintendent, Chief of Guard and Control Section, Chief of General Affair Section, Chief of Personnel Office, Chief of Accounting and Statistics Office, Counsel, each with a member of Accounting and Statistics Office and Pharmacist as well as 4 section members, 5 Chief Controllers, 32 controllers, 3 guards, 2 drivers from the General Affairs Section and 1 janitor. As a summary, there are 57 personnel employed in total.
Current Manpower of the Lianjiang Detention Center, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice and Lianjiang Branch Prison
Due to the lower number of inmates in this center, its organization is simpler, where there are only 11 regular personnel in the whole organization, including the Lianjiang Branch of Kinmen Prison, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice. It has 1 Superintendent, 1 section member, 2 Chief Controllers and 7 controllers in total. Among all of the staff, only 2 of the controllers are local inhabitants of the Matsu Islands, the rest of the staff are rotated and supported by the controllers of the Kinmen Prison. Whereas Kinmen and Matsu both belong to the administrative regime of the Fukien Province, and both of these regions have special backgrounds as battlefields, therefore the supporting personnel are capable of fitting with the surrounding environments to complete their missions smoothly.