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Reception Room location map

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2022-06-22
  • View count:4283



  1. Description of reception room location and reception process:
    1. Follow the red signs to visit and send items. The reception room is located on the right side of the administration building. Enter from the administrative building and turn right. On the left are the Duty Officer’s room (breastfeeding room), reception room, public telephone, remote reception room, restrooms; on the right are drinking fountains and waiting chairs.
    2. Visit registration and send items at the guardhouse or the information desk of the administration building.
    3. Send money in the general affair section of the administration building.
  2. Reception time:
    1. General reception:On the working days of government agencies, it is 08301100 in the morning and 13301600 in the afternoon.
    2. Reception on Sunday: The first Sunday of each month is 08301100 in the morning and 13301600 in the afternoon.
  3. III. Reception room handling matters:
    1. Registration of visit
    2. Send in dishes, books, daily necessities
    3. Remote Reception
    4. Phone Reception
  4. Reception process:
    1. Fill out the application form
    2. Register at the check-in window
    3. Follow the steps to the reception room window
  5. Service line:


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