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Nov. 03, 109 Parent Education

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  • Last updated:2020-12-02
  • View count:277

Parent Education

On November 03, 109, Mrs. Zheng Suwen, the head of the Jincheng Kindergarten, Li Xiuwen, and Kinmen Prison conducted a parent education. The theme of the education was Parents’ self-emotion management and teaching children how to manage emotions.

The education shared that before parents taught and faced their children, they must start with their own emotional management. Parents must first let go of their own "framework" and not restrict their children's hopes and development. Parents must concentrate on listening, understanding, and responding when interacting with their children so that the children feel safe and understood.

Emotions were often the root cause of illness, and the emotions of parents and children affected each other. The education taught inmates to use energy exercises and positive beliefs to help them out and encouraged inmates to deal with the painful experience of their native family, actively change the parent-child conflict situation and master their own emotions, so that the parent-child relationship had opportunities for development and growth.

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