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June 27, 111 Advance Group Counseling for drug treatment「Adler Career Constructionism Group」

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  • Last updated:2023-01-03
  • View count:179

Advance Group Counseling for drug treatmentAdler Career Constructionism Group

Psychologist Kong and Psychologist Su invited members to invite members to introduce themselves with the name of "I hope to hear someone call me like this one day" to strengthen members' expectations for future salary and life, and design business cards for future jobs, led by the team. Witness and empower with members. And invite the members to "assume that they become successful people in addiction recovery", and use the card "My Any Door" to choose the life after release that is closest to the members' imagination, and finally ask the members to share and give back to their "life". Style” and discuss how to use personal qualities to create a new life.

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