Overall Business
- Publication Date :
- Last updated:2022-06-22
- View count:2530
- Investigation and Classification
Investigation and Classification aim at launching various direct or indirect investigations and psychological tests for each new inmate to examine, analyze and judge their personality, mental status, experience, education and other related matters thereof, serving as the basis of individual treatment.
- Education and Counsel
- Edification and Education
The main purpose of Edification and Education is to focus on civilization and morality in order to cultivate the ethics of an inmate as well as further increase their knowledge thereof, therefore guiding the inmate to behave, stay on the right track and build a complete personality. The measures of implementation contain diverse genres, such as collective education, classified education, individual education, religious education, etc. Where it is expected that the inmates can improve and right themselves after their imprisonment. - Cultural and Entertaining Activities
In order to diffuse the emotions of inmates and sustain their health both physically and mentally, various activities such as singing, ball games, tug-of-war, chess, film watching, etc. are held each month. - Counselling of Inmates
Specialized advisors from the Fukien After-care Association enter the prison to provide counseling services to the inmates twice per month. - Caring Activities
Invite the after-care associations or social welfare groups to implement diverse counselling and caring activities for the inmates.
- Parole
The Parole Review Commission has been established in the prison, there are various experts on social equity with backgrounds in jurisdiction, social work, education, psychology and religion who have been recruited to review the parole cases of inmates whose behaviors are good and whose repentance has been proven based on fairness, kindness and caution in accordance with the laws.
- Edification and Education
- Management of Guard and Control
- We insist on the idea of “Kindness for life care, strictness for discipline” to implement management with humanity and professionalism.
- The project of purifying the guard and control zone is to be strictly performed, realizing the accurate inspection of each personnel, vehicle or article of entering/exiting the zone in order to eradicate the inflow of contraband or dangerous goods.
- Practicing discipline through care as well as seriously looking into the requirements of the inmates. Problems are to be solved immediately to reinforce management by walking around in order to reduce the troubles for the guard and control department.
- Safety Needs for Guard and Control: To strengthen the education used for daily duties, regular education programs will be held annually to increase the professional skills and knowledge of the controllers on discipline and counselling. Also, periodical drills concerning anti-riots, fire safety and emergency medical care are to be performed as preparation for the guard and control operations.
- Sanitation and Health Care
- Prevention of Diseases
A health checkup is to be exercised immediately every time a new inmate enters the prison as well as performed on all the inmates in the prison every quarter. Examinations on HIV, STI and chest X-rays will be executed in cooperation with the Public Health Bureau, Kinmen County. Also, examinations on HIV, STI and chest X-rays are to be performed once per year for all inmates in the prison. Expect prompt medical treatment or isolation therapy during the early stages. - Therapies for Diseases
All inmates have been included in the National Health Insurance since 2013. The medical affairs of the prison are entrusted to the Kinmen Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare. Specialists will be assigned to the prison to diagnose the inmates twice a week. Any inmate who is diagnosed to need further medical care will be sent to an external hospital with a guarded escort in accordance with the “Referral Letter” written by the doctor. In order to allow inmates with diseases to receive full and complete medical care, the prison has cosigned the “Agreement on Emergent Medical Support and Assistance” with the Kinmen Hospital. In case of any acute infectious disease or other emergency diseases, the Hospital can assign personnel to the prison to provide medical care.
- Prevention of Diseases
- Labor Operations
The purpose of labor operations in the prison is to train the inmates and provide them with skills so they can earn a living as well as develop in them a hard-working attitude and cultivate their mental status. The prison terms, health conditions, education, outcomes of investigations and classification of inmates will be in accordance with the premises of their original occupational skills, safety requirements and future plans for making a living in order to assign them to each workshop for the training thereof. The good habit of being hard-working and the learning of professional skills can help the inmates return to the right track, leave the life of crime and regain a normal life.
- Contracted Processing Business
There is one contracted processing workshop in the prison, of which the main production is paper products, such as paper bags, paper goods or paper lotus. - Self-run Business
Food Section: The self-run business of the Food Section of the prison was established in 2006, cooperating with the Fukien After-care Association to develop certain products such as “Dingjin Health Noodle” and “Dingjin Sunshine Vermicelli and Noodle”. Moreover, the Food Section also cooperated with the Association further to develop “Leiyu Grandma`s Clay Oven Rolls” in 2014. The inmates chosen will work in the Food Section for the self-run business in order to reinforce the integration of skill training and actual operations, allowing them to accumulate work experience as well as cultivate their practical skills for future career paths after their release from prison.
- Contracted Processing Business
- Life Supplies
- The board expense for each inmate is NT$2,040 per month, while the provision expense is NT$300, which are higher than those of other prisons in Taiwan. However, the commodity prices here are also higher compared to other regions, visits and price negotiations are needed, and purchases must be in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.
- Personnel of the Secretary and related offices are to create a Board Improvement Team to discuss the boarding conditions in the prison with the representatives of the inmates from each housing unit every month.
- Each living facility is to be renovated at any time and maintained at all times to improve the inhabitation quality.